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Q: Roughly how much of my monthly income can go towards my mortgage?

A. Calculating the percentage of your income that the bank will allow you to apply to your mortgage is really quite simple. You can use up to 32% of your monthly income for mortgage payments, and an additional 10% for other debts for a maximum of 42% of your monthly income used for debt payments before you no longer qualify for a mortgage.

ex. If you make a combined $10,000 in your household, $4,200 of your income can be used for your mortgage and other debt. $3,200 for your mortgage and $1,000 for everything else. If you have good credit and no other debt, the bank will let you use $4,200 for your mortgage, meaning you will qualify for a larger loan.

2012-05-23T07:40:33-07:00May 23rd, 2012|Mortgages|

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